
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Finish the Sentence Linkup

Okay, I kind of feel like it's early in my blog life to be doing a link up, but I've been thinking about it, and was even thinking of doing this one this morning when I saw it in my reading list, but it wasn't until I read Jessica's that I was pushed over the edge into JUST DOING IT!


If I had one extra hour in the day... I'm sure I'd waste it, so let's just stick with 24 and not worry about reinventing the clock.
I wish my name... didn't have to be spelled out letter by letter EVERY TIME! (Kvacik)
I think anything chevron is... a gas station? street sign?
My last nightmare... has been washed away from my memory due to "pregnancy brain."
Sometimes... I eat cereal for every meal of the day.
My last meal on earth would be... Texas Roadhouse dinner rolls, Casey's bacon cheeseburger pizza and a Bogey's peanut butter twix shake.
I would much rather be cold than sweaty (unless I've been working out or playing a sport).
Mayonnaise...a lotta people linkin' up today.
10 years ago, I didn't think... I would live in Kansas. I had basically forgotten all of my fifth grade geography and dismissed the fact it even existed as a state until my "now husband" informed me he was from Kansas and if I liked him as much as I said I did, I was going to have to follow him here.
Selfishly... I wish every dirt track racer would go broke and the sport would disappear.
Not the people, just the sport.

My favorite show on TV right now... the bachelorette, but we don't have cable, so I always have to wait at least a day to watch it. It pretty much serves as a for sure date night with the hubby each week, so certainly can't complain about that!
And, George Zimmerman... honestly, I didn't even know who this was and would've had to google it if I hadn't read Jessica's answer to this before doing mine. Yes, right or wrong, I live in a box and rarely know about any current issues in the news, unless it happens to be covered by some local news entity that I follow on facebook and grabs my attention enough to read about it.


  1. I love it!!! You are way more brave than me, it me a LONG time to do a link up. But yours is so funny, maybe it is because I know you and in real life you crack me. Cereal for EVERY meal HAHAHAHAHA! I can see you doing that. I would do that now if my husband and child would allow that! :)

  2. Replies
    1. HAHA!!! Precisely! Larson (with an "o") was SOOOOOO much easier!
