
Friday, July 19, 2013


Brothers, Chase (#11) and Trenton (#4), at their final game of the 2013 season

Photo taken by their mom
As Matt was on his way home yesterday, he text me and asked, "Are you planning on a baseball game?"

I had been going back and forth with this all day, and probably some the day before even. It was our little brother's (Big Brothers Big Sisters) last game of the season, which was actually a make up game from a rain out earlier in the season. If you know me, you know I'm a sports fan and will attend pretty much any live event of any given sport, especially college level and lower, whether I know someone or not. So it's pretty much a given that I'm going to want to go when I know someone playing.

But a CHOICE had to be made this particular evening. There were several factors that went in to this decision:

  1. It's deadline time for me at work.
    • Therefore, my housework has been completely pushed aside until a later date.
  2. My boss talked about coming to pick up files so he could start proofing.
    • Therefore, I needed to clean up, at least somewhat, so I wasn't completely and totally embarrassed to have him walk through my house.
  3. My parents are going to be stopping by for a visit on their way to Utah this weekend.
    • Once again, must clean house so my mom doesn't feel like a total failure at raising me, and my husband isn't hiding in the corner in shame of his wife.
  4. At the time of the text, I had yet to shower and get cleaned up for the day.
    • THAT'S GROSS! But also a perk of working from home. (Do note that I [generally] clean up before entering a public setting.)
    • However, my wardrobe is quite thin because I refuse to buy clothes I can only wear for 2-3 weeks, 3 months max if I was any good at shopping for maternity clothes, guessed it, my housework has been put off until a later date, so even if I had cleaned up, I really had no clean clothes to put on afterwards.
So, due to desperately needing to stay home and clean my house (and not having any clothes to wear, which is generally appreciated by society when you step outside the walls of your home), I opted to stay home and miss the final game.

Oh, there was one, non-housework related factor in making this CHOICE.
  1. I've attended all but maybe a small handful of their games, and quite truthfully, they've lost all but two games, and at large margins for the most part as well.
Around 9:00 p.m. I decided it was time to text Trenton's dad and find out how the game went... the reply I got was... "They won. Trenton had two hits, one really good one."


It was at that point that I instinctively wanted to send all the "excuses" why we couldn't be at the game (my deadline at work, Matt not getting home until late, housework, blah blah blah). But who really wants to hear all that. I mean, if you think about it, they're not really was just a long chain and effect of CHOICES I had made.

So I simply replied, "Awesome. Tell him we're sorry we missed it!"

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Finish the Sentence Linkup

Okay, I kind of feel like it's early in my blog life to be doing a link up, but I've been thinking about it, and was even thinking of doing this one this morning when I saw it in my reading list, but it wasn't until I read Jessica's that I was pushed over the edge into JUST DOING IT!


If I had one extra hour in the day... I'm sure I'd waste it, so let's just stick with 24 and not worry about reinventing the clock.
I wish my name... didn't have to be spelled out letter by letter EVERY TIME! (Kvacik)
I think anything chevron is... a gas station? street sign?
My last nightmare... has been washed away from my memory due to "pregnancy brain."
Sometimes... I eat cereal for every meal of the day.
My last meal on earth would be... Texas Roadhouse dinner rolls, Casey's bacon cheeseburger pizza and a Bogey's peanut butter twix shake.
I would much rather be cold than sweaty (unless I've been working out or playing a sport).
Mayonnaise...a lotta people linkin' up today.
10 years ago, I didn't think... I would live in Kansas. I had basically forgotten all of my fifth grade geography and dismissed the fact it even existed as a state until my "now husband" informed me he was from Kansas and if I liked him as much as I said I did, I was going to have to follow him here.
Selfishly... I wish every dirt track racer would go broke and the sport would disappear.
Not the people, just the sport.

My favorite show on TV right now... the bachelorette, but we don't have cable, so I always have to wait at least a day to watch it. It pretty much serves as a for sure date night with the hubby each week, so certainly can't complain about that!
And, George Zimmerman... honestly, I didn't even know who this was and would've had to google it if I hadn't read Jessica's answer to this before doing mine. Yes, right or wrong, I live in a box and rarely know about any current issues in the news, unless it happens to be covered by some local news entity that I follow on facebook and grabs my attention enough to read about it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

34 Weeks & Counting

With starting this blog so late in pregnancy, I'll give a quick debriefing for anyone who doesn't know our story...

We tried for 6 months (8 according to the calendar, but two months in a row we found ourselves half way across the country from one another during the "critical" time of the month). First signs of pregnancy for me included unexplainable exhaustion during a morning shower and unquenchable thirst. So I had a hunch, but decided to wait a few days before taking the test...our first positive pregnancy test was taken Christmas morning, 2012. It was such a fun time of year to share our GOOD NEWS with family and friends!

First trimester brought some strange food and drink aversions, and extreme tiredness. Luckily I work from home so I was able to nap throughout the day as needed.

Second trimester and the first few weeks of third trimester were a breeze and, like most of my pregnancy, were some of the most enjoyable times of my life thus far. Planning for parenthood has really strengthened Matt and I's relationship and brought us to a whole new level in our marriage.

(Re-reading that sentence reminds me of a friend of ours who has always said, "Planned Parenthood...isn't that an oxymoron? People actually plan to get pregnant?!?!")

Parenthood has also revived our spiritual lives, which would be the best explanation for our husband and wife relationship experiencing a boost.

But now I've hit the "motivation" stage of pregnancy, and I can definitely say my "pushing" tank is filling up from all the discomforts I've been experiencing.

Things I can't wait to be done with:
1. Fat feet and cankles
2. Fat feet and cankles
3. Fat feet and cankles
4. Fat feet and cankles
5. Fat feet and cankles

Things I can't wait to do again:
1. Lay on my stomach
2. Wipe like a normal human-being
3. Enjoy a margarita or two
4. Workout / Run
5. Turn in bed without feeling like I just ran a 1/4 mile
6. Drive/ride ATVs

I hate to complain too much, as this pregnancy has brought me so many smiles, and so much joy! So I'll end with this list.

Reasons life is the BEST I've experienced in 28 years:
1. Closer relationship with my heavenly Father, the Creator of Life
2. My amazing husband (father-to-be)
3. Healthy pregnancy thus far
4. Anticipation of motherhood
5. Outpouring of support from friends and family
6. Feeling our little boy move (bonding)
7. Stay-at-home job status
8. Matt's career and his ability to provide for our family

34 Weeks, 3 Days

Saturday, July 13, 2013

RV-Ruins Vacations

Have you heard Bill Engvall's comedic routine about RV's? When I first heard it, we were not yet proud owners of an RV, so I found it quite humorous. We have now owned a 30' Tioga motorhome for almost two years, and Engvall's RV routine has taken on a truer meaning and lost it's humor.

Honestly, the thought behind them is genius, and sometimes you even get to experience the luxuries they provide, but never plan to enjoy them all in one trip. Not gonna happen. This particular trip, the A/C is functioning properly (Praise the Lord given my current state of pregnancy and the fact that it's 107 degrees out), but the refrigerator refuses to work. Ugh, seriously!

Another luxury of a motorhome, which requires some balance but can be done: using "the john" going down the road. Also made even more amazing at this stage of pregnancy (which by the way is 34 weeks along as of today). However, just now after using that luxury, the handle seems to be malfunctioning, not allowing it to drain. The hubby is currently driving, so he has yet to take a look at it...hopefully it'll be an easy fix, or just an oversight on my part. yes, that does happen from time to time. it also helps remind me how lucky i am to have such a handy husband.

hmmm...speaking of unavailable physical keyboard caps lock option seems to have decided to take a break. sorry for the lack of capitalization from here until, well, it decides to work again, or i decide to google what the heck causes this to happen.

anyway, back to the joys of motorhome ownership. i'm a firm believer that if trips with the motorhome were planned further than an afternoon in advance of taking them, much of these issues could be worked out, but planning ahead is not one of our strongest qualities as a married couple. that's okay, right?

well, we've arrived in hays for the fair races today, saturday, and tomorrow. tomorrow is a dtc great plains stock car series race...those are always fun, having gotten to know so many of the drivers personally now that the tour is just about half over.

everyone have a safe and fun weekend...i'll leave you with a photo of the coolest thing we saw on this road trip.