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GO FORCE! Brothers, Chase (#11) and Trenton (#4), at their final game of the 2013 season Photo taken by their mom |
I had been going back and forth with this all day, and probably some the day before even. It was our little brother's (Big Brothers Big Sisters) last game of the season, which was actually a make up game from a rain out earlier in the season. If you know me, you know I'm a sports fan and will attend pretty much any live event of any given sport, especially college level and lower, whether I know someone or not. So it's pretty much a given that I'm going to want to go when I know someone playing.
But a CHOICE had to be made this particular evening. There were several factors that went in to this decision:
- It's deadline time for me at work.
- Therefore, my housework has been completely pushed aside until a later date.
- My boss talked about coming to pick up files so he could start proofing.
- Therefore, I needed to clean up, at least somewhat, so I wasn't completely and totally embarrassed to have him walk through my house.
- My parents are going to be stopping by for a visit on their way to Utah this weekend.
- Once again, must clean house so my mom doesn't feel like a total failure at raising me, and my husband isn't hiding in the corner in shame of his wife.
- At the time of the text, I had yet to shower and get cleaned up for the day.
- THAT'S GROSS! But also a perk of working from home. (Do note that I [generally] clean up before entering a public setting.)
- However, my wardrobe is quite thin because I refuse to buy clothes I can only wear for 2-3 weeks, 3 months max if I was any good at shopping for maternity clothes, and...you guessed it, my housework has been put off until a later date, so even if I had cleaned up, I really had no clean clothes to put on afterwards.
So, due to desperately needing to stay home and clean my house (and not having any clothes to wear, which is generally appreciated by society when you step outside the walls of your home), I opted to stay home and miss the final game.
Oh, there was one, non-housework related factor in making this CHOICE.
- I've attended all but maybe a small handful of their games, and quite truthfully, they've lost all but two games, and at large margins for the most part as well.
It was at that point that I instinctively wanted to send all the "excuses" why we couldn't be at the game (my deadline at work, Matt not getting home until late, housework, blah blah blah). But who really wants to hear all that. I mean, if you think about it, they're not really excuses...it was just a long chain and effect of CHOICES I had made.
So I simply replied, "Awesome. Tell him we're sorry we missed it!"