
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

RV Life School Plans

I don't blog enough.

I know this because every blog I do write starts with some kind of line just like the one above.

It blame it on the perfectionism tendencies in my personality, which I continue to get nearly giddy about every time I get pulled in to a study on personality traits.

The current series I've been listening to, and Matt even got into—he actually tuned me in to —is by Ashley Logsdon, the first seven episodes of her podcast "Mama Says Namaste."

It's especially fun for us, as she and her husband live in a travel trailer and unschool their kids, which is very relatable for us.

Living in an RV and unschooling.

We got living in an RV down, and love love love it!  Maybe even more so than we ever could've anticipated.  Hayden has a movie titled, "All Creatures Big and Small."  In the movie, there's a father and son "Nestrian" who head to Noah's Ark to stay safe during the flood.  They've been roaming land for awhile, but they just couldn't find a place to call home—a place where they felt they belonged. At the end, as the father jumps in the water to rescue his son who he fears is drowning, they realize they are breathing underwater...THEIR TRUE HOME!

THIS is how I feel about our home on wheels.

I don't know that I ever shared, but we became members of an online community, "Full-Time Families," and we were the 1500th member!!  Kind of fun (we got a fun mailbox number as we set out as nomads as well.)  If you weren't already aware or not quite catching that drift, I'm a bit of a numbers nerd.

But I digress.

Although everyone's story and reason is a little bit different, it's certainly a lifestyle being lived by many. It also amazes me how many of our friends and family have at some point given thought to full-time RVing.  We're [still] advocates after almost 7 months.

Obviously the question of schooling was one we addressed from the beginning discussions we had about full-time RVing.  Homeschool would be the logical answer.  I always wanted to be a's my chance without the hours and dollars of the degree.

But how does that work with wanting to be a perfectionist, Kayla?

Ooph. Good question.

I'm relying a lot on the fact of how we felt full-time RVing would be a good fit for our family, despite the "what ifs," and we've found it to be a GREAT fit!  We've discussed it a lot, and feel unschooling will be a good fit for our family, our goals, and our lifestyle, and we will remain hopeful in making the right decision again.

I feel I could go on and on about both our RV life and future intentions with Hayden's education, but it is late, so I will leave you with this thought...

"Parenthood is not a competition to see who has the smartest kids, the cleanest house, the healthiest dinners, or the nicest clothes...Parenthood is YOUR journey with YOUR children."  -author unknown

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